
Finished Models

In this post I will Post all the progression from Blender all the way through using substance to create high quality rendered stills. To get a better view of the model look at sketch fab posts:


To start with here is the sphere drone:

ben-adams-asset ben-adams-asset (1)  ben-adams-asset (2) ben-adams-asset (3) drone clean ben-adams-asset (18)

To get a better view of the model look at sketch fab posts:


Now up is the Hovercraft:

ben-adams-asset (8) ben-adams-asset (9) ben-adams-asset (10) ben-adams-asset (13) ben-adams-asset (11) ben-adams-asset (15) ben-adams-asset (12) ben-adams-asset (14)

To get a better view of the model look at sketch fab posts:

Finally here is the Turret:

ben-adams-asset (4) ben-adams-asset (5) ben-adams-asset (6) ben-adams-asset (7) ben-adams-asset (16) ben-adams-asset (17)

To get a better view of the model look at sketch fab posts:

Substance Issue and Turret

I encounters a problem today when trying to upload to Substance Painter and this was that my model and texture set were to large for sketchfab to upload. I went back through all my presets and realized that some of them were off so it was exporting a ridiculous size. I quickly went back though the process again and was able to upload it without any errors.

As I was able to upload this variation of the model, I began work on my second model which is the mini-turret.